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(기타, IamSUA, 989개, 2021.07.13최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

completely free from dirt or contamination

관련 예문
pristine mountain snow
handed her his pristine white handkerchief
completely free from dirt or contamination

취지, 테너, 테너 성부

관련 예문
the homely tenor of one's life

평범한 인생 행로.

취지, 테너, 테너 성부

필기록, 성명증명서, 복사

관련 예문
A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.

그 테이크의 사본이 법정에 증거물로 제출되었다.

필기록, 성명증명서, 복사

가파른, 급격한, 경사, 극단적인

관련 예문
a steep slope

가파른 언덕

go up a steep flight of stairs

가파른 계단을 오르다

가파른, 급격한, 경사, 극단적인

현악 4중주곡

현악 4중주곡

having a sharp inclination

관련 예문
the steep attic stairs
steep cliffs
having a sharp inclination

something that has been transcribed

관련 예문
he read a transcript of the interrogation
you can obtain a transcript of this radio program by sending a self-addressed envelope to the station
something that has been transcribed

정적인, 정전기, 정지된, 잡음, 전파 방해

관련 예문
a static society

정태(靜態) 사회학.

정적인, 정전기, 정지된, 잡음, 전파 방해

a movable organ for flying

관련 예문
they are the progressive wing of the Republican Party
he preferred the drumsticks to the wings
a movable organ for flying

not in physical motion

관련 예문
an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static electricity
a static population
not in physical motion
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