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멤라이스 단어

(Jason Kluga, 52개, 2012.08.17최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

office worker, white-collar, office job, clerical position, desk duty

office worker, white-collar, office job, clerical position, desk duty

confirm, check, see, identify, make sure

관련 예문
무효의 확인을 청구하다

call for the affirmation of the nullity of resolution.

confirm, check, see, identify, make sure

body, physical

관련 예문


신체의 자유

personal liberty.

body, physical

only, just, barely, hardly, scarcely

관련 예문
겨우 입에 풀칠하다

live barely/keep body and soul together.

저녁이 되어서야 겨우 그 일을 마쳤다

I was not till evening that I finished the work.

only, just, barely, hardly, scarcely

easy, simple, be likely to, prone to, plain

관련 예문

easily; with ease[facility]; without difficulty[great effort]; plainly; simply; [바로] readily.

쉬운 질문

an easy question.

easy, simple, be likely to, prone to, plain

there is, exist, be, existence, being

관련 예문
불쌍한 존재

a wretched being.

존재를 주장하다

assert oneself.

there is, exist, be, existence, being

be based on, be due to, be owing to

관련 예문
노동에 의한 소득

an earned income.

실험 결과에 의한 결론

a conclusion based on experimental results.

be based on, be due to, be owing to

determination, resolve, resolution

관련 예문
마음가짐이 좋은

right-minded/have one's heart in the right place.

너와 나는 마음가짐이 다르다

Your attitude is not the same as mine.

determination, resolve, resolution

show, appear, seen, represent, express

관련 예문
우리가 모퉁이를 돌자 높은 건물이 모습을 나타냈다

As we turned the corner a tall building appeared before our eyes[came into view].

그는 불쑥 모습을 나타냈다

His figure burst on our sight.

show, appear, seen, represent, express

Korean history, state affairs

관련 예문
국사를 논하다

discuss the affairs of a nation.

국사에 다망하다

exert oneself in the interests of one's country.

Korean history, state affairs
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