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Derivational Morphemes

(Jason Kluga, 51개, 2013.05.06최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

let us, let's, how about ‥?

관련 예문
한잔 하자꾸나

Let's have a drink, shall we?/How[What] about a drink?

let us, let's, how about ‥?

for, for the sake of, for one's good

관련 예문
정의를 위하여

in the cause of justice.

사회를 위하여

in the interests[service] of society.

for, for the sake of, for one's good

…에 대하여, 약…, 정도, 좀, 거의

관련 예문
a book about animals

동물에 관한 책

a quarrel about

…에 대한 말다툼[소동]

…에 대하여, 약…, 정도, 좀, 거의

on the ground of, according to, in accordance with

관련 예문

I hear[we learn] 《that》/according to the rumor/as the rumor goes.

이러한 사실로 보건대

in the light of these facts.

on the ground of, according to, in accordance with

sometimes, times, often , occasionally, some cases

관련 예문
그도 때로 실수를 한다

Even he makes a mistake once in a while[at times].

때로 노력이 보답받지 못하는 경우도 있다

Our efforts are not always rewarded.

sometimes, times, often , occasionally, some cases

to, with, for

관련 예문
이 스웨터는 나에게는 너무 크다

This sweater is too big for me.

to, with, for

toward, to, at

관련 예문
책임을 그에게로 돌리다

lay the fault to his charge/lay the blame at his door.

toward, to, at

also, too, as well

관련 예문
너에게도 그걸 주마

I'll give it to you too.

그는 낯선 사람에게도 친절하다

He is kind even to strangers.

also, too, as well

from, of, through

관련 예문
멀리 있는 친구에게서 온 편지

a letter from a friend far away[from a distant friend].

네가 온다는 말은 그에게서 들었다

He told me that you were coming.

from, of, through

to, at, for

관련 예문
나는 아들에게 책을 주었다

I gave my son a book./I gave a book to my son.

나는 여동생에게 핸드백을 사주었다

I bought my sister a handbag./I bought a handbag for my sister.

to, at, for
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