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(기타, David, 499개, 2024.02.27최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

a dumbbell, dumbbells

관련 예문
한 쌍의 아령

a pair of dumbbells.

아령으로 운동하다

do exercises with dumbbells.

a dumbbell, dumbbells

retirement, resignation

retirement, resignation

take exception to

관련 예문
they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy
take exception to

a pesticide in suspension or solution

관련 예문
a spray of bullets
Water sprayed all over the floor
a pesticide in suspension or solution

providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief

관련 예문
comfortable clothes
comfortable suburban houses
providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief

avoid having to deal with some unpleasant task

관련 예문
I shy away from this task
avoid having to deal with some unpleasant task

be abundant or plentiful

관련 예문
The room abounded with screaming children
be abundant or plentiful
avenue [ǽvənjùː] 듣기반복듣기

a line of approach

관련 예문
they explored every avenue they could think of
it promises to open new avenues to understanding
a line of approach

enter uninvited

관련 예문
They intruded on our dinner party
The colors don't intrude on the viewer
enter uninvited
consignment [kənsáinmənt] 듣기반복듣기

goods carried by a large vehicle

goods carried by a large vehicle
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