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Lord of Flies

(기타, manchurian, 180개, 2017.03.18최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

of or happening at noon

관련 예문
meridian hour
all points on the same meridian have the same longitude
of or happening at noon

a just detectable amount

관련 예문
he speaks French with a trace of an accent
there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim
a just detectable amount

the sound made by a sharp swift blow

관련 예문
he gave the table a whack
The teacher whacked the boy
the sound made by a sharp swift blow
objurgation [bdʒərgéiʃən] 듣기반복듣기

rebuking a person harshly

rebuking a person harshly

the season of growth

관련 예문
the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring
he will hold office until the spring of next year
the season of growth

a regional term for `creature'

a regional term for `creature'

leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip

관련 예문
she wore thongs in her quest for the callipygian ideal
leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip

the act of moving forward suddenly

the act of moving forward suddenly

찌르기, 돌입, 돌진

찌르기, 돌입, 돌진
desist [dizíst, -síst] 듣기반복듣기

choose not to consume

choose not to consume
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