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(기타, 최은순, 71개, 2017.04.16최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 철자순 선택옵션

nurse, tend

관련 예문
자지 않고 간호하다

sit up with the sick/watch all night beside a sickbed/attend on a sick person all through the night.

그는 극진히 간호한 보람도 없이 어젯밤에 죽었다

He died last night, all the care taken of him proving of no avail.

nurse, tend

prison, jail, behind bars, gaol

관련 예문
감옥에 넣다

put 《a person》 in prison/imprison[clap] 《a person》.

감옥에서 나오다

come out of prison/be released from prison.

prison, jail, behind bars, gaol

lecture, course, teach, lesson, instruction

관련 예문
공개 강의

an open class; (대학의) an extension lecture[course].

과외 강의

an extracurriculum lecture.

lecture, course, teach, lesson, instruction

a superhighway, an expressway, an express highway

관련 예문
경부 고속 도로

the Kyung-bu[Seoul-Busan] Expressway.

4차선 고속 도로

a 4-lane expressway.

a superhighway, an expressway, an express highway

bad, nasty, awful

관련 예문
고약한 성미

an ill[bad] nature[disposition].

고약한 사람

a wicked man.

bad, nasty, awful


관련 예문
바구니 가득한 과일

a basketful fruit.

과일을 많이 먹다

eat a lot of fruit.


earwax, cerumen, your esteemed place

관련 예문
귀지를 통하여

through the medium of your columns.

4월 20일자 귀지 보도대로

as stated in your paper dated April 20.

earwax, cerumen, your esteemed place

관련 예문
연필을 귀에 끼고

with[holding] a pencil behind one's ear.

손가락에 연필을 끼다

hold a pencil between one's fingers.

wide, broad, large, extensive, vast

관련 예문
넓은 길

a wide road.

넓은 방

a spacious[large] room.

wide, broad, large, extensive, vast

surprise, amazing, shocked, stun, astonish

관련 예문
깜짝 놀랄


깜짝 놀라서

in amazement.

surprise, amazing, shocked, stun, astonish
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