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7-2 날씨 시기 시간대

(기타, 정현욱, 281개, 2023.08.18최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 철자순 선택옵션

wear underneath one's outer clothes, wear extra clothing

관련 예문
셔츠를 석 장 껴입다

wear three undershirts one over another.

겨울에는 사람들이 옷을 잔뜩 껴입어서 차내 혼잡의 한 요인이 된다

One reason the trains are so crowded in winter is that people are wearing extra layers of clothes.

wear underneath one's outer clothes, wear extra clothing

throughout, all the way, all round, whole time, all during

관련 예문
1년 내내

throughout the year/all the year round/the year around/from year's end to year's end/[줄곧] always.

아침 내내

all through the morning.

throughout, all the way, all round, whole time, all during


관련 예문
1년에 한 번

once[twice] a year/annually[biannually/semiannually].

5년 5개월

five years and five months.


late, tardy, belated **^^고 故 1. the late ‥ 2. the lamented ‥ 3. the deceased

관련 예문
뒤늦은 경고

a belated warning.

뒤늦게 오다

make a tardy appearance.

late, tardy, belated **^^고 故 1. the late ‥ 2. the lamented ‥ 3. the deceased

the very end, the last extremity, extremities, the eleventh hour **^^be in a dire extremity/be driven to the last extremity 백척 간두에 서다

관련 예문
언덕 막바지

the top of a hill.

골목 막바지

the end of the alley.

the very end, the last extremity, extremities, the eleventh hour **^^be in a dire extremity/be driven to the last extremity 백척 간두에 서다

wind, air, hope, wish, breeze

관련 예문
부드러운 바람

a breath of air/a gentle breeze.

살을 에는 듯한 바람

a cutting[piercing/biting/nipping] wind.

wind, air, hope, wish, breeze

day and night, night and day, always, constantly

관련 예문
밤낮을 가리지 않고

around[Br. E. round] the clock/night and day/by day and by night/all the time.

밤낮 없이 일하다

work night and day[day and night].

day and night, night and day, always, constantly


관련 예문
빙산의 일각에 지나지 않다

be but the visible peak on an iceberg/be only the (visible) tip of an[a submerged] iceberg/be nothing but the small part of the iceberg that shows above the surface.

이번의 밀수 사건은 빙산의 일각에 지나지 않는다

This smuggling case is just the tip of the iceberg.


habitual, repeated, regular

관련 예문




habitual, repeated, regular

dawn, early in the morning, daybreak

관련 예문
새벽부터 해거름까지

from dawn till dark.


early in the morning/at dawn[daybreak]/at break of day/before daybreak.

dawn, early in the morning, daybreak
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