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(딱좋아, 1616개, 2011.06.17최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

escape, either physically or mentally

관련 예문
The thief eluded the police
What you are seeing in him eludes me
escape, either physically or mentally

a quick reply to a question or remark

관련 예문
his opponent riposted
a quick reply to a question or remark

the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility

the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility

accuse formally of a crime

accuse formally of a crime
fiduciary [fidjúːʃièri] 듣기반복듣기

relating to or of the nature of a legal trust

관련 예문
a fiduciary contract
in a fiduciary capacity
relating to or of the nature of a legal trust
consternation [knstərnéiʃən] 듣기반복듣기

fear resulting from the awareness of danger

fear resulting from the awareness of danger

a popular trend that attracts growing support

관련 예문
when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon
the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade
a popular trend that attracts growing support
arbitrage [άːrbətrːʒ] 듣기반복듣기

a kind of hedged investment meant to capture slight differences in price

a kind of hedged investment meant to capture slight differences in price

somewhat ill or prone to illness

관련 예문
my poor ailing grandmother
somewhat ill or prone to illness
logistics [loudʒístiks] 듣기반복듣기

handling an operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed

handling an operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed