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(딱좋아, 1616개, 2011.06.17최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션
protestation [prtəstéiʃən] 듣기반복듣기

a formal and solemn declaration of objection

관련 예문
the many protestations did not stay the execution
a formal and solemn declaration of objection

deeply agitated especially from emotion

deeply agitated especially from emotion

most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied

관련 예문
an optimum return on capital
most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied
intersperse [ìntərspə́ːrs] 듣기반복듣기

place at intervals in or among

관련 예문
intersperse exclamation marks in the text
place at intervals in or among
defuse [diːfjúːz] 듣기반복듣기

remove the triggering device from

remove the triggering device from

a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

제3자 예탁, …을 제3자에게 예탁하다

관련 예문
in escrow

제3자에게 예탁되어.

제3자 예탁, …을 제3자에게 예탁하다

a small tasty bit of food

a small tasty bit of food

a small tasty bit of food

a small tasty bit of food

discoloration of metal surface caused by oxidation

관련 예문
The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air
discoloration of metal surface caused by oxidation