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(딱좋아, 133개, 2011.06.24최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

at the last possible moment

관련 예문
she was saved in the nick of time
at the last possible moment

much less

관련 예문
she can't boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal
much less

a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol

a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol

a farewell remark

a farewell remark

an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron

관련 예문
in the body free radicals are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells
an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron

live in or as if in a tent

live in or as if in a tent

get rid of

get rid of

look about oneself

관련 예문
look around to see whether you can find the missing document
look about oneself

to no avail

관련 예문
he looked for her in vain
to no avail

make neat, smart, or trim

make neat, smart, or trim
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