영어 검색폼 어학사전 검색창 검색하기 메뉴 다른 사전| 어학사전 언어 리스트 첫번째 사전목록 전체언어 영어 English 한국어 일본어 중국어 한자 두번째 사전목록 베트남어 인도네시아어 이탈리아어 프랑스어 터키어 태국어 폴란드어 세번째 사전목록 포르투갈어 체코어 헝가리어 아랍어 스웨덴어 힌디어 네덜란드어 네번째 사전목록 페르시아어 스와힐리어 루마니아어 러시아어 사전홈 공지 Daum계정 지원종료 안내 2022.06.20 더보기 단어장 암기한 중요단어 (딱좋아, 475개, 2011.06.21최종수정) 즐겨찾기 다운로드 단어 목록 단어 전체선택 발음듣기 | 단어장 이동하기 레이어 단어장 선택 발음듣기 레이어 이전 단어 일시정지 재생 다음 단어 설정 반복횟수 1회 2회 3회 4회 5회 재생간격 1초 2초 3초 4초 5초 선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션 최신순 철자순 뜻 감추기 요약보기 단어 선택 assertive [əsə́ːrtiv] 듣기반복듣기 aggressively self-assured 관련 예문 an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act aggressively self-assured 단어 선택 subsidiary [səbsídièri] 듣기반복듣기 functioning in a supporting capacity functioning in a supporting capacity 단어 선택 strew [struː] 듣기반복듣기 spread by scattering 관련 예문 strew toys all over the carpet Dead bodies strewed the ground spread by scattering 단어 선택 subpoena [səbpíːnə] 듣기반복듣기 a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 관련 예문 The witness and her records were subpoenaed a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 단어 선택 relay [ríːlei] 듣기반복듣기 the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 관련 예문 the relay was successful Please relay the news to the villagers the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 단어 선택 precision [prisíʒən] 듣기반복듣기 the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 관련 예문 note the meticulous precision of his measurements the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 단어 선택 oversight 듣기반복듣기 an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something 단어 선택 haul [hɔːl] 듣기반복듣기 the act of drawing or hauling something 관련 예문 the haul up the hill went very slowly haul stones the act of drawing or hauling something 단어 선택 console [kənsóul] 듣기반복듣기 a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 관련 예문 the bust of Napoleon stood on a console a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 단어 선택 buyout 듣기반복듣기 acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock 이전페이지 없음 21 22 23 24 25 다음페이지 Daum 사전앱을 다운로드하세요! 서비스 메뉴 서비스 약관/정책| 권리침해신고| 사전 고객센터| 사전 문의하기| 공지사항 Copyright ⓒ Kakao Corp. All rights reserved. 위 내용에 대한 저작권 및 법적 책임은 자료 제공사 또는 글쓴이에 있으며 Kakao의 입장과 다를 수 있습니다.
공지 Daum계정 지원종료 안내 2022.06.20 더보기 단어장 암기한 중요단어 (딱좋아, 475개, 2011.06.21최종수정) 즐겨찾기 다운로드 단어 목록 단어 전체선택 발음듣기 | 단어장 이동하기 레이어 단어장 선택 발음듣기 레이어 이전 단어 일시정지 재생 다음 단어 설정 반복횟수 1회 2회 3회 4회 5회 재생간격 1초 2초 3초 4초 5초 선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션 최신순 철자순 뜻 감추기 요약보기 단어 선택 assertive [əsə́ːrtiv] 듣기반복듣기 aggressively self-assured 관련 예문 an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act aggressively self-assured 단어 선택 subsidiary [səbsídièri] 듣기반복듣기 functioning in a supporting capacity functioning in a supporting capacity 단어 선택 strew [struː] 듣기반복듣기 spread by scattering 관련 예문 strew toys all over the carpet Dead bodies strewed the ground spread by scattering 단어 선택 subpoena [səbpíːnə] 듣기반복듣기 a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 관련 예문 The witness and her records were subpoenaed a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 단어 선택 relay [ríːlei] 듣기반복듣기 the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 관련 예문 the relay was successful Please relay the news to the villagers the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 단어 선택 precision [prisíʒən] 듣기반복듣기 the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 관련 예문 note the meticulous precision of his measurements the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 단어 선택 oversight 듣기반복듣기 an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something 단어 선택 haul [hɔːl] 듣기반복듣기 the act of drawing or hauling something 관련 예문 the haul up the hill went very slowly haul stones the act of drawing or hauling something 단어 선택 console [kənsóul] 듣기반복듣기 a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 관련 예문 the bust of Napoleon stood on a console a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 단어 선택 buyout 듣기반복듣기 acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock 이전페이지 없음 21 22 23 24 25 다음페이지
단어장 암기한 중요단어 (딱좋아, 475개, 2011.06.21최종수정) 즐겨찾기 다운로드 단어 목록 단어 전체선택 발음듣기 | 단어장 이동하기 레이어 단어장 선택 발음듣기 레이어 이전 단어 일시정지 재생 다음 단어 설정 반복횟수 1회 2회 3회 4회 5회 재생간격 1초 2초 3초 4초 5초 선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션 최신순 철자순 뜻 감추기 요약보기 단어 선택 assertive [əsə́ːrtiv] 듣기반복듣기 aggressively self-assured 관련 예문 an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act aggressively self-assured 단어 선택 subsidiary [səbsídièri] 듣기반복듣기 functioning in a supporting capacity functioning in a supporting capacity 단어 선택 strew [struː] 듣기반복듣기 spread by scattering 관련 예문 strew toys all over the carpet Dead bodies strewed the ground spread by scattering 단어 선택 subpoena [səbpíːnə] 듣기반복듣기 a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 관련 예문 The witness and her records were subpoenaed a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding 단어 선택 relay [ríːlei] 듣기반복듣기 the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 관련 예문 the relay was successful Please relay the news to the villagers the act of passing something along from one person or group to another 단어 선택 precision [prisíʒən] 듣기반복듣기 the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 관련 예문 note the meticulous precision of his measurements the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance 단어 선택 oversight 듣기반복듣기 an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something 단어 선택 haul [hɔːl] 듣기반복듣기 the act of drawing or hauling something 관련 예문 the haul up the hill went very slowly haul stones the act of drawing or hauling something 단어 선택 console [kənsóul] 듣기반복듣기 a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 관련 예문 the bust of Napoleon stood on a console a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 단어 선택 buyout 듣기반복듣기 acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock 이전페이지 없음 21 22 23 24 25 다음페이지