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암기한 중요단어

(딱좋아, 475개, 2011.06.21최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
scrupulous [skrúːpjuləs] 듣기반복듣기

having scruples

관련 예문
less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance
scrupulous attention to details
having scruples

gather, as of natural products

gather, as of natural products

a list of names

a list of names

without reservation or exception

관련 예문
buy outright
she asked him outright for a divorce
without reservation or exception
delirious [dilíəriəs] 듣기반복듣기

experiencing delirium

관련 예문
a crowd of delirious baseball fans
experiencing delirium

exceptionally good

관련 예문
his brag cornfield
his brag is worse than his fight
exceptionally good
decompose [dìːkəmpóuz] 듣기반복듣기

break down

관련 예문
The bodies decomposed in the heat
break down

utter impulsively

관련 예문
He blurted out the secret
utter impulsively