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중요한 숙어, 컬로세이션

(딱좋아, 52개, 2011.06.21최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

a stop during an automobile trip for rest and refreshment

a stop during an automobile trip for rest and refreshment

move backwards from a certain position

move backwards from a certain position

with everything considered

관련 예문
all in all, it's not so bad
with everything considered

put an end to a state or an activity

put an end to a state or an activity

thrust or extend out

thrust or extend out

be of help, as in a particular situation of need

관련 예문
Can you help out tonight with the dinner guests?
be of help, as in a particular situation of need

imprecise but fairly close to correct

관련 예문
holds 3 gallons, more or less
imprecise but fairly close to correct

become glassy

관련 예문
Her eyes glaze over when she is bored
become glassy

a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability

관련 예문
I would use newspapermen as a sounding board for such policies
a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability

go to pieces

go to pieces
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