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<4-4영어시험 단어장 s.s>

(기타, 여왕벌, 20개, 2017.11.22최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

tell about of explain about heroes or gods and goddness

tell about of explain about heroes or gods and goddness

an idea ( like honesty of courage)

관련 예문
the value assigned was 16 milliseconds
the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world
an idea ( like honesty of courage)

someone you admire because of his or her achievements or personal qualities

관련 예문
RAF pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain
someone you admire because of his or her achievements or personal qualities
architecture [άːrkətèkʧər] 듣기반복듣기

the art of designing buildings

관련 예문
architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use
the architecture of a computer's system software
the art of designing buildings
diverse [daivə́ːrs] 듣기반복듣기


관련 예문
at diverse times


diverse topics

가지각색의 화제

generation [dʒènəréiʃən] 듣기반복듣기

a group of people born and living around the same time

관련 예문
they had to wait a generation for that prejudice to fade
the third generation of computers
a group of people born and living around the same time

a group of people who share the same language and culture

a group of people who share the same language and culture

Something handed down form the past

관련 예문
a national heritage

국민적 유산

a heritage of enlightenment and prosperity

이어받은 계몽과 번영

Something handed down form the past

People came for jobs or better lifes for there children

관련 예문
immigrants from Korea

한국인 이민.

an illegal immigrant

불법 입국자

메모 접기

***find a better life ***find freedom

작성자 여왕벌

People came for jobs or better lifes for there children

A way of doing something that is shared by many people

관련 예문
preserve a custom

습관을 지키다[깨다]

She makes a custom of getting up early.

그녀는 일찍 일어나는 습관이 있다(※a custom with her to ‥ …은 그 습관이 그녀 자신의 의지에 의한 것임을 강력히 나타냄)

A way of doing something that is shared by many people
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