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멤라이스 단어

(Jason Kluga, 52개, 2012.08.17최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 최신순 선택옵션

police authority

관련 예문
경찰권을 발동하다

exercise[abuse] the police authority[power].

police authority

a police station, a station house

a police station, a station house

headache, migraine, head pain

관련 예문

(a) migraine (headache).

머리가 깨질 것 같은 두통

a splitting headache.

headache, migraine, head pain

abdominal pain, stomachache

관련 예문
복통으로 고생하다

suffer from[have] a stomachache/have (the) gripes(격통)/be badly griped.

복통을 호소하다

complain of a stomachache.

abdominal pain, stomachache

dew, a tear, dewdrops

관련 예문
밤 이슬

nightly[morning] dew.

이슬이 맺힌

dewy 《flowers》/bedewed.

dew, a tear, dewdrops

how, why, for what reason

관련 예문
어찌 그렇게 말할 수 있단 말이냐

How come you (to) say so?/How can you say a thing?

어찌 여기에 와 있는가

How is it that you are here?/What has brought you here?

how, why, for what reason

winter, winter season

관련 예문


한 겨울에

in midwinter/in the depth of winter.

winter, winter season

measure, take, weigh, gauge

관련 예문
존은 1등상을 탔다고 재고 있었다

John boasted of having won the first prize.

그것은 하나도 잴 만한 일이 못된다

That is nothing to be proud of.

measure, take, weigh, gauge

patient, case, sick, sufferer

관련 예문
내과 환자

a medical[surgical] subject.

동상 환자

a frostbite victim.

patient, case, sick, sufferer

novel, story, fiction, work, drama

관련 예문
교양 소설

an educational novel.

단편 소설

a short story/a novelette/a storiette.

novel, story, fiction, work, drama
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