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(Jason Kluga, 15개, 2013.05.13최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 철자순 선택옵션

each, respectively, individually, separately, apart

관련 예문


각각 살다

live separately 《from》.

each, respectively, individually, separately, apart

suffused with tears, almost full, all watered up

suffused with tears, almost full, all watered up

a shaven head, a close cropped head, a tonsure

관련 예문
까까머리가 되다

have one's head shaved/have one's hair clipped.

까까머리로 깎았다

I had my hair close-cropped[cut close].

a shaven head, a close cropped head, a tonsure

a person with a head shaved bald, a bonze, a Buddhist priest

관련 예문
까까중이 되다

have one's hair cut close.

a person with a head shaved bald, a bonze, a Buddhist priest

caw, crow, Caw-caw!

관련 예문
까마귀가 깍깍울고 있었다

A crow was cawing[croaking].

caw, crow, Caw-caw!

humbly obeying, faithfully, obediently

관련 예문
꼬박꼬박 졸다

doze off/nod[rock] in a doze/nid-nod.

어른의 말을 꼬박꼬박 잘 듣다

readily obey one's elders.

humbly obeying, faithfully, obediently

tight, firmly, with no room to spare

관련 예문
꼭꼭 묶다

bind[tie] 《a thing》 tightly/tie fast/fasten tight.

꼭꼭 눌러 담다

pack in tightly/fill chock-full.

tight, firmly, with no room to spare

gulping, gulp away, swig

관련 예문
꿀꺽꿀꺽 마시다

gulp (down)/drink 《water》 in big swallows/take a long noisy drink/swill/take a swig 《at》.

gulping, gulp away, swig

dampish, damp-dry, be a bit damp

dampish, damp-dry, be a bit damp

bendingly, swayingly, swingingly

bendingly, swayingly, swingingly
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