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<4-4영어시험 단어장 s.s>

(기타, 여왕벌, 20개, 2017.11.22최종수정)

단어 목록

발음듣기 |
선택내용 : 철자순 선택옵션
ancestor [ǽnsestər, -tris] 듣기반복듣기

early members of your family who have died, such as grandparents

early members of your family who have died, such as grandparents
architecture [άːrkətèkʧər] 듣기반복듣기

the art of designing buildings

관련 예문
architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use
the architecture of a computer's system software
the art of designing buildings
consumer [kənsúːmər] 듣기반복듣기

a person who buys goods or uses a service

a person who buys goods or uses a service

A way of doing something that is shared by many people

관련 예문
preserve a custom

습관을 지키다[깨다]

She makes a custom of getting up early.

그녀는 일찍 일어나는 습관이 있다(※a custom with her to ‥ …은 그 습관이 그녀 자신의 의지에 의한 것임을 강력히 나타냄)

A way of doing something that is shared by many people
diverse [daivə́ːrs] 듣기반복듣기


관련 예문
at diverse times


diverse topics

가지각색의 화제


the way a place uses its money, goods, natural resources, and srervices

관련 예문
economy of effort
the Scots are famous for their economy
the way a place uses its money, goods, natural resources, and srervices
employee [implɔ́iiː, èmplɔíː] 듣기반복듣기

a person who gets paid to work for someone else

a person who gets paid to work for someone else

a group of people who share the same language and culture

a group of people who share the same language and culture

a short story that teaches a moral or lesson

a short story that teaches a moral or lesson

a person who starts something such as business or a town

관련 예문
The project foundered
the horses foundered
a person who starts something such as business or a town
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