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(기타, 최은순, 71개, 2017.04.16최종수정)

단어 목록

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선택내용 : 철자순 선택옵션

arrive, be, get, arrival, reach

관련 예문

in order of arrival.

참석자의 이름은 도착순으로 기재되었다

The names of those who came were listed in order of arrival.

arrive, be, get, arrival, reach

fear, afraid, scare, terror, horror

관련 예문

out of fear/from[with] fear/driven by fear/in horror[a fright].

시험에 떨어지지 않을까 하는 두려움

a dread of failing in the examination.

fear, afraid, scare, terror, horror

nothing, naught, nil

관련 예문
무가 되다

come[be brought] to naught[nothing]/go for[to] nothing/be in vain/be wasted/be lost/be thrown away/be expunged/fall through.

무에서 유는 생기지 않는다

Nothing comes of[from] nothing.

nothing, naught, nil

the people, the nation, the populace

관련 예문
온 백성

all people/an entire people.

the people, the nation, the populace

the plural

the plural

hit , face , bump, opposition , run into

관련 예문
자동차에 부딪히다

be run over[knocked down] by a car/be hit by a car.

배가 바위에 부딪히었다

A boat was dashed against a rock.

hit , face , bump, opposition , run into

fierce, ferocious, wild, viciously, harsh

관련 예문
사나운 사람

a person of violent temper/a violent-tempered person.

사나운 짐승

a wild animal/a fierce beast.

fierce, ferocious, wild, viciously, harsh

tax, rates, local tax, duty

관련 예문
부당한 세금

an irrational[unreasonable] tax.

미납 세금

unpaid taxes.

tax, rates, local tax, duty

life, life span, longevity, the span of life, durability

관련 예문
인간의 평균 수명

the average span[longevity] of human life[human beings]/경제 the (average) life expectancy.

수명이 길다

be long-lived[short-lived]/have[enjoy] a long[only a short] life.

life, life span, longevity, the span of life, durability

a subject, a retainer, a vassal

a subject, a retainer, a vassal
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